It is possible to play Age of Mythology on Linux with certain distributions. So far, I have been unable to properly install Age of Mythology by mounting the ISO, but instead had to copy my game folder from a Windows machine to your Linux box. Once you have done this follow these steps:
- Install the latest version of wine – This can be done several ways. The most effective way is through your Ubuntu Software Center (Ubuntu), or Install & Remove Software window (KDE). Simply start up your corresponding installation tool search for wine, and install.
- Start the game – Navigate to your Age of Mythology directory and run aom.exe (make sure to set this file as executable by right clicking on it -> properties -> compatibility tab).
In certain cases you may get the following error when starting the game:
Error: Unable to find splash resources
In this case you have a few additional options:
- Open terminal and navigate to your Age of Mythology directory and enter:
wine aom.exe
- If the game still refuses to start, bring out the big guns add try using the following command (all one line):
wine aom.exe xres=1024 +noSound +noIntroCinematics bpp=16 +window +lowend +terrainHalfDensity +lowPoly -waterbump skipMipMapLevels=1 graphicDetail=2
The game may also put you in never-ending cinematics. Usually these can be escaped out of, but sometimes they may lock your game. In this case your only option is to restart the mission and use the:
cheat. To enter a cheat simply type it in the chat prompt to skip to the next mission. For more info see:
If you’ve followed the above steps and are still having issues running Age of Mythology on Linux, please post in the comments below. To increase your chances of a solution being found include as much detail as possible (which version of the game you’re running, what operating system you have, what video card you have and steps to reproduce the issue). Screenshots are also very useful!
hi, I have Ubuntu 14.04 with wine1.6 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 , my graphic card is Intel® 945GME x86/MMX/SSE2 and 1 gb ram. When I open the game it shows the cinematics until I come to the main loading screen on which the game stops working. help?
Have you tried running it like this?
wine aom.exe xres=1024 +noSound +noIntroCinematics bpp=16 +window +lowend +terrainHalfDensity +lowPoly -waterbump skipMipMapLevels=1 graphicDetail=2
Also are you getting any error messages when the game crashes?
>> Twitter @alexgophermix