Railroad Tycoon 2 on Linux

Tested: ,

Railroad Tycoon 2 can be run on linux using the Wine windows emulator. There are three basic steps to this:

  1. Install the latest version of wine – Open your Ubuntu Software Center (Ubuntu), or Install & Remove Software window (KDE) search for wine, and install your desired package.
  2. Install the game – If you are copying the game folder from a windows box you can skip this step, but if you are installing from an iso start by opening up a root terminal. After entering your password create a directory where you will be mounting the disc using:
    mkdir name_of_your_dir
    Then run:
    mount -o loop your_disk.iso /name_of_your_dir
    replacing , “name_of_your_dir” with the directory name you wish to use for your mount folder, and “your_disk.iso” for the name of your iso file. If this works you will see the disk contents in your mount folder. In this folder run wine setup.exe (make sure to set this file as executable by right clicking on it -> properties -> compatibility tab) and install as you would on a windows machine. For more info on mounting see http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-iso-image-under-linux.html
  3. Start the game – Navigate to your Railroad Tycoon II – Platinum directory and run RT2_PLAT.EXE (make sure to set this file as executable by right clicking on it -> properties -> compatibility tab). *Note* – do not change the resolution for the game as this will make it unplayable and require a reinstall. If this doesn’t work you can try running the game from terminal by navigating to your Railroad Tycoon II – Platinum directory directory and entering the command:
    wine RT2_PLAT.EXE
    For more info see: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=7039

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