LoLHistory Android App

LoLHistory is a new Android app I’m working on. It utilizes the RiotGames API to pull summoner data and display it on your Android device. The project is very much a work in progress with new designs and features being released at a rapid pace. LoLHistory requires no sign in and only very basic permissions so that you can enjoy it right away!


+ Recent Match History
+ Per champion stat breakdowns
+ Personal League information (rank, lp etc.)

You can get the app for free from the Google PlayStore:

Download LoLHistory now!

Current screenshots (v 1.3 July 23, 2014)


I’m trying to make the app as useful as possible for other league players like myself. I’ve already picked up some great feedback and am constantly looking for more ways to improve LoLHistory. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me or tweet me @alexgophermix

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