Mechcommander Gold open PAK files

Mechcommander data files are compressed using a customized PAK format. This tutorial is based off of CMunsta’s command line extraction tool. Some PAK files have been fully extracted in the MCGExtracted GitHub project. You can read more about the project in the Mechcommander Gold extracted post.

  1. Download the PAK file extraction tool pakextract.exe
    Download link 1 <– Cmunsta
    Download link 2 <– GitHub mirror
  2. Place your pakextract.exe file into the directory containing the .PAK file.
  3. Open up cmd and navigate to the directory containing the .PAK  and pakextract.exe
  4. Extract the file at the index in the .PAK file you would like to. Data in .PAK files is ordered by indices which you’ll have to look up if you want to extract a specific file. For example if you’d like to extract the data for the Atlas mech, into a file called atlas.txt you would execute:
    pakextract.exe OBJECT2.PAK 51 atlas.txt

Once again, if you need the fully extracted source for a specific PAK file, some PAK files have been fully extracted in the MCGExtracted GitHub project. There are also scripts you can run yourself located in the extraction_tools directory of the MCGExtracted project. For more information about extracting specific PAK files see the sections below.

There are 1189 indices in the OBJECT2.PAK file. Mech data is located at the indices listed in this spreadsheet.

      Thanks very much much for writing this up. I’ve added a little blurb at the end of the post on how to run the script.

    September 19, 2013 at 7:12 pm

    Hello, I tried the pakextractor, but everytime I try to extract anything it says ‘Cant open filename.pak’ (filename: every pak file i tried) I just want to extract the data\sounds\noise.pak file for this noise sample thats it.

    would be great if someone could help me out

      What is the command you’re using to try and extract the PAK files?

      October 13, 2013 at 2:30 pm

      The variables in the script must be hand edited before running. The script must also be run inside the game folder.

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