Homeworld windowed mode

Homeworld can run in windowed mode using the -window option:

  1. Right click on your Homeworld shortcut and select properties
  2. In the target field add a space then add:
    (example: C:\Program Files\Sierra\Homeworld\homeworld.exe -window).
  3. Click apply an start the game from the shortcut.

If you have an issues with running Homeworld in windowed mode, please post them in the comments below. The more information the better (especially the target field of your shortcut)!

    January 23, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    Worked on Win 10.
    But all of the colors are actually inverted and the game only takes half of the window.

    -Not recommended,seems like its not compatible. tough you can try it if your curies. its very easy to accomplish.

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