Homeworld on Windows 7

Tested: ,

Homeworld is known to have a few issues with running on Windows 7 machines. There are a few simple steps you can follow to cover the majority of possible crashes/problems:

  1. Install patch 1.05. This will get your game up to date with the latest official version of the game and remove issues like jittery scout ships and a superscouts issue. This also installs all previous patches which have several video card related fixes and game balance changes. NOTE – installing this patch will require the CD to be inserted when playing the game.
    Download link 1 <- Sierra help
    Download link 2 <- Gamefront
  2. Install the latest video card drivers.
  3. Disable intro cinematics. Right click on the Homeworld shortcut on your desktop and select properties. In the target field add a space and then the following command line option:
    e.g. C:\Program Files\Sierra\Homeworld\homeworld.exe /disableAVI
  4. Run as administrator and with Windows NT compatibility. While still in the shortcut properties select the compatibility tab and run the program under Windows NT compatibility and select Run this program as administrator.
  5. (Optional) Install the no-cd patch. Relic released the source code for Homeworld, and no-cd patches for personal use are legal, so feel free to install a no-cd patch if desired. I don’t want to link to one directly, but a quick google search will come up with many results.

If you’re still having trouble see this links for more info: link 1, link 2. If nothing here helped you solve your problem please post it in the comments below, with as much detail as possible (system specs, how to reproduce the crash).

    June 14, 2015 at 9:31 pm

    The no cd patch is not available on the homeworldsdl page.

      I might be wrong but it used to be there. Some of the pages on that site look like they’re not working anymore so it may have been on one of those. Doing a quick google search though will come up with lots of homeworld no-cd patch links

        June 15, 2015 at 5:02 pm

        I tried them and they do not work.

    November 22, 2016 at 8:06 pm

    Thanks, it works)

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