Railroad Tycoon 2 has had many custom scenarios created for it. In the efforts of making these scenarios easily available in a central, stable location I created the following GitHub project: RRT2Maps. This project contains many of the Railroad Tycoon 2 maps hosted on sites like The Terminal and Hawk and Badger. Huge thanks to the guys at the Terminal for providing support on this project.
To install the scenarios:
- Download the project zip from here. If you’re familiar with git you can also clone the repo via:
git clone git@github.com:oseparovic/RRT2Maps.git
- Install the map files. Look through the repo and find the .MAP/.MP2 files of the scenarios you’re interested in and copy paste them into Railroad Tycoon 2/Maps.
If you’re lazy like me and just want to add ALL the maps at once, I’ve created some scripts for you:
- Windows:
- Double click the zip_all_maps.bat file to create the all_maps.zip file
- Extract the contents of the generated all_maps.zip file into Railroad Tycoon 2/Maps
- Mac/Linux:
- Open a terminal window and navigate to your RRT2Maps directory and run the following command:
sh zip_all_maps.sh
- Extract the contents of the generated all_maps.zip file into Railroad Tycoon 2/Maps
- Open a terminal window and navigate to your RRT2Maps directory and run the following command:
For full details see the GitHub page and have a look at the readme. If you have any questions about the repo, have trouble installing scenarios, or would like to contribute please post in the comments below!
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