Mechcommander 2 windowed mode

To play Mechcommander 2 in windowed mode you have two options:

  • Edit the configurations
    1. Open the game directory
    2. Open options.cfg in the root directory with a text editor
    3. After [MechCommander2] find b FullScreen and change it to = FALSE .e.g b FullScreen = FALSE
    4. Save the file
  • Use keybinding to force the game into windowed after it starts
    1. Start the game
    2. Once the main menu loads press: alt+enter
    3. You will likely have to do this again after starting a mission as that often puts you back in fullscreen automatically

The alt+enter combination works for a wide variety of games especially those made by Microsoft.

If you’re having issues running the game in windowed mode leave a comment below

    I installed 7-zip and I still can’t edit it. How can I edit it with 7-zip, or do you have a better app to use?

      options.cfg should be a plaintext file not a zip archive. If you right click and select open with notepad it should open just fine.

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