Homeworld 2 camera and movement lag

If you experience Homeworld 2 camera and movement lag/choppiness when you zoom in on ships or asteroids, you most likely have one of the following: an out of date video card driver, a cracked exe, or an integrated graphics card. There are a few solutions that have been known to work, that I’ve posted below. Let me know which one works for you!

  • Enable Vsync. In the game options enable Vsync. This is one of the most common fixes.
  • Turn detail geometry off, and set hyperspace quality to low. Visually, the difference is minimal and on some machines (especially integrated graphics) this will get rid of the lag completely
  • Enable wait for vertical refresh. In your video card settings enable wait for vertical refresh.
  • Update your video drivers. Outdated video drivers might be incompatible with the game and could be causing the lag/choppiness.
  • Force Homeworld 2 to use your GPU instead of integrated graphics. On some newer machines; laptops especially, you may have to manually set the game to run using your NVidia GPU  (if you have one) instead of the integrated graphics card. To do this follow the steps in this stackexchange post.
  • Re-install. If you’re using a cracked exe file it might be the cause of your problems. These files are user generated and offer no guarantee of quality. Try re-installing and running the game from the CD again.

If you’ve followed the above steps and are still having Homeworld 2 camera and movement lag issues, please post in the comments below. To increase your chances of a solution being found include as much detail as possible (which version of the game you’re running, what operating system you have, what video card you have and steps to reproduce the issue). Screenshots are also very useful!


    In my case, activating vsync succesfully solved the camera issue with the newest tfs mod.

      Happy to help! I’m glad it still works for mods as well.

    June 26, 2013 at 5:58 am

    OMG!!! Laggy camera that has been bothering me for a week is gone!!! Thank you so much XD

    September 30, 2013 at 10:43 am

    For me (Lenovo y570, windows 7), I had to go into my nVidia control panel and set Homeworld 2 to run with the GPU instead of the integrated video chip. It flies now!

      Good to know, thanks! I’ll add it to the post :)

    April 9, 2014 at 1:28 am

    I also have a Lenovo Y570 with Win7 and followed the instructions. However it still says I’m using the integrated video chip. I’ve tried to re-install and it doesn’t still doesn’t work. Yes I’ve used the uninstaller program and rebooted and I’ve always patched to 1.1 before even launching the game. I’ve tried also using the switch to match my screen resolution (adding the switch to my shortcut) and removing them and it still doesn’t use my NVidia GPU. Any suggestions?

      April 9, 2014 at 1:29 am

      I’ve also set power management to high performance and it doesn’t work as well.

        Hmm, by far the most common fixes for this are tweaking the in-game options AKA: Enable Vsync and/or Turn detail geometry off, and set hyperspace quality to low.

        Could you be more specific about where it says you’re using the integrated video chip? Are you getting some kind of error message when you start the game? From some quick googling on your laptop model, it has its own dedicated graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M) so the game theoretically shouldn’t be defaulting to your integrated graphics chip.

        Are you seeing any other issues other than the camera lag? Feel free to contact me if you need to: http://www.thegameengine.org/contact/

    August 24, 2016 at 10:49 am

    Very helpful!

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