Haegemonia sound system error

Haegemonia, even when patched to the latest official update still seems to crash occasionally with the following error:

Sound System Error


To fix this error you have a few different options to choose from:

  • Run as administrator with Windows XP compatibility and Disable visual themes. This is what I’m using as my workaround and have yet to experience the crash. Right click on your Haegemonia shortcut, select properties and then select the compatibility tab. Here, check off the following options:
    • Run the program under Windows XP (Service Pack 3) compatibility
    • Run this program as administrator (if you are on Windows 7 or Vista)
    • Disable visual themes
  • Install the sound system fix. If you’re still experiencing sound system crashes you can try installing this sound system fix posted on moddb. Note this patch will require you to re-enter the cd-key and also requires that you have the latest version of the game installed (1.07).
  • Disable all game sound. Set all audio sliders to zero and restart the game. I know it’s not a good solution but it seems to be the most reliable one.

If you’ve followed the above steps and are still having issues with the Haegemonia sound system error, please post in the comments below. To increase your chances of a solution being found include as much detail as possible (which version of the game you’re running, what operating system you have, what video card you have and steps to reproduce the issue). Screenshots are also very useful!

sources: link 1, link 2, link 3

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