Earth 2150 startup crash

There are a few known causes of the Earth 2150 startup crash. In some cases the game won’t actually crash but you’ll get a black screen with game sound after the intro videos have finished. I’ve listed some of the popular solutions to the crash/black screen issues below. You may need to do some or all of these to get the game to work if you are experiencing these issues.

  • Switch to OpenGL Renderer. Run “Setup.exe” in your Earth 2150 installation directory and switch to one of the OpenGL Hardware resolutions and press OK. Then start the game again. This will also fix the Earth 2150 Construction Center crash.
    Note: If you installed the game through steam, right click on your Earth 2150 library entry and select “Graphics settings” to open your Setup.exe.
  • Disable intro video. Run “Setup.exe” and turn off “Play intro”. If you installed the game through steam, right click on your Earth 2150 library entry and select “Graphic Settings”.  If you do not have a steam install, navigate to your Earth 2150 installation folder and run “Setup.exe”.
  • Disable data execution prevention. Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Under Tab “Advanced” click Settings under “Performance” > Click Tab “Data Execution Prevention”

If you’ve followed the above steps and are still having issues with the Earth 2150 startup crash, please post in the comments below. To increase your chances of a solution being found include as much detail as possible (which version of the game you’re running, what operating system you have, what video card you have and steps to reproduce the issue). Screenshots are also very useful!

sources: link 1

    September 2, 2018 at 11:20 am

    I’ve done all 3 solutions, but when i’m in the menu and i try to start a new mission it will crash.. i have the physical game.. but don’t work anyway…

      I have the steam version so it installs the latest retail patch for me. If you have the physical game you’ll have to install these patches yourself. From a quick google that would be either 1.1 or 1.2.

      Try installing those and then following the steps again and see if that makes any difference.

      Also do you have any error message?

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